Monday, April 27, 2009

Buzzzzzz Off!

About a month ago, I saw some bees flying around by our roof. We looked and watched them and didn't think that they could get into our attic. WRONG! They were squeezing through the wire covering and building hives in our attic. There were more and more bees every day. Rob sprayed some wasp and hornet killer into the holes they were flying into and it just got them "buzzing" mad! We finally decided it was time to get help and called the professionals. They first sprayed and killed the bees and told us the bees would come back for the honey in the hives. We had to have a portion of the roof removed so that they could get to the hives and take them out. There were 7-12 honeycomb sections and you can see some of them in the pictures. Luckily the bees were contained to the small closed in area of the attic.


Alicia said...

I would say that's a good use for a grand! ha

AyChiMama said...

YIKES! Good thing they weren't the angry Africanized kind!


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